

Haptics and optics are supposed to working together intactly for us to know the world, but technology is gradually isolating them from each other by prosthesizing and functionalizing them. In Re-Touch, we challenge the absolute power of “seeing-from-distance” in the current vision condition, and use playful touch to dialectically rethink “seeing”, in order to reactivate the complex relationship of optics-haptics. We perform a play by utilizing body, touch screen, and handheld scanner, and subjectivity is opened to new possibilities by this play in the “zone of indeterminacy.” By making the result of our play into other people’s playground, the viewers are able to become the participants and generate their own “haptic-optic” images, re-stimulating the techno-alienated, programmed, and blunt bodies.

触觉与视觉在我们认识世界的过程中始终密不可分,技术却越来越使两者假体化、功能化从而愈发分离。该作品旨在用游戏式地“触”去辩证地反思掌控式地“看”,重新激发视觉-触觉的复杂关系。我们首先围绕着身体、触摸屏、手持扫描仪(一种依靠直接触摸而生成影像的工具)而展开了一场游戏,使得主体因在这样的不确定区域(zone of indeterminacy)中游玩而得以敞开。而在接下来的参与式展览过程中,我们通过玩耍而生成的作品进而成为别人的“游乐场”。观者在其中得以成为下一个参与者,通过生成他们自己的“触-视”影像,重新激活被技术异化和程式化了的“迟钝的身体”。


UV Print on PVC Sheets



Single Channel Silent Video, 1’23’’


Installation shots
